Carlson, Dennis(PhD)Hassen, Yusu2018-07-272023-11-052018-07-272023-11-051994-05 study was conducted in Adam i tu lu ,,'oreda, ethiopia, from Septemher 199J to January )Q94 . Thc general objective of the study was to d e termine the effectiveness a nd e fficiency of three health education methods i n increasing the' knowledge of the community about t he symptoms. CllU[,e, transmis si on. trcatment and prevent i on of malaria. The ba se l ine s urvey of the s tudy population revealed that thel'e is a profound lack of knowledge about ma l aria. 70"f. of the study populAtion mentio ned one or more symptoms of malaria: no one knew the cause of malar i a : on l y 8% of the respondents responded that mosquitoes transmit ma l aria; 92~~ o f t hem be I i eved t ha t malaria i s not preventab l e; Dnd 93.3% said t hat malaria has modern t r eatment. Three health education met hods: drama. house-to-house conversation Dnd schoo l teac h ing, each supp l emented with l eaflets, were i mp l emented 'in an effort to increase the awareness of the s t udy community about malaria. After three months o f intervention period, the post-test result ::;howed that there was a sign ificant increase in all the knowledge item s about mal a ria. fin a lly. the most effective and the erficient health educa tion method was found to be the house-to-ho use conversationenHealth EducationComparison of Three Health Education Methods in Increasing the Knowledge about MalariaThesis