Girma, Zerayohannes (PhD)Bethel, Alebachew2021-03-302023-11-112021-03-302023-11-112021-01 research mainly focuses on the development of precast concrete technology in Ethiopia. The research has a quantitative and a qualitative part. In the quantitative part, a new form of slab known as Precast Lattice Slab is adopted and used for a G+9 low cost building. The slab is constructed by using composite method of construction incorporating precast plates and fresh concrete topping. The plates are designed as a series of one way slabs mounted on the beam grid system. All design and analysis calculations in this thesis are as per the European Code. The procedures to be followed in analyzing and designing this precast lattice slab along with cost and weight comparison between the newly advised method and the conventional method used for low cost building projects are presented in this section. In the qualitative part of the research, market assessment was carried out to determine what caused the low demand for precast technology in Ethiopian construction society (does not include the low cost building projects). Observation, questionnaire, interview and document analysis were used as a data collection tools. Authorities in the area including MH Engineering and Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation have been communicated and relevant inputs were gathered. After a thorough analysis of the data gained from the data collection stage, recommendations are given that enhance the use of precast technology in Ethiopia for all kinds of buildings.en-USLow-Cost Housing Projects in Addis AbabaPrecast Lattice SlabAssessment on The Potential Use of Precast Lattice Slab for The Low-Cost Housing Projects in Addis AbabaThesis