Lemma, Girma(Associate Professor)Kassahun, Tibebe2018-07-242023-11-102018-07-242023-11-102009-02http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/9929A survey was conducted on female students of Jimma University using randomly sampled students in proportion from eight faculties of the university. And the results indicate that 50% of the subjects have experienced one form of act/behavior that is considered sexual harassment. In addition there is strong sense of insecurity among female students in the campus that 65% of them fear experiencing sexual harassment. Among the perceived emotional and academic effects feeling scared/afraid and finding it hard to pay attention in class were reported by 65% and 52% respectively.χ²(chi-square) test of independence conducted indicated that different year level students face harassment at varying level and so do students in different facultiesenSexual Harassment:Sexual Harassment: The Case of Jimma UniversityThesis