Zekarias Keneaa (Associate Professor)Andualem Taye2025-03-052025-03-052024-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4752Private limited companies (PLCs) are the most popular and prevalent form of company in Ethiopia. As economic machines the formation, governance and management of PLCs must be conducive to the economic growth and development of the country. PLCs in Ethiopia, however, have been surrounded by problems. Many of the problems are believed to be related with the provisions of the 1960 CC governing PLCs in Ethiopia. With the aim of alleviating the problems, bridging insufficiencies, filling gaps and facilitating commerce, the new 2021 CC came up with changes (improvements, deletions, and inclusion of new ideas) on PLC provisions. A comparative exploration of the changes and identification of betterments, deficiencies & gaps on PLC provisions as well as evaluation of how much PLCs have used the betterments and its implications are not yet sufficiently done. After an article by article exploration of the provisions of the new CC on PLCs in comparison to the provisions on PLCs in the former CC, and after evaluation of the practical application of the betterments and its implications, the researcher unveils and concludes that, in comparison, the new CC came up with up to date betterments but there still are deficiencies and gaps. Moreover investors in PLCs are not yet sufficiently using the betterments made on PLC provisions in the new CC. Therefore the researcher recommends organizing awareness creation forums on the betterments on PLC provisions in the new CC and the legislature has to amend the CC to correct the noted deficiencies and to fill the gaps to minimize agency problems and improve protection of minority shareholders and facilitate commerce.en-USThe provisions of THE NEW commercial code on PLC in comparison to the provisions on PLC in THE FORMER commercial code: Any betterment?Thesis