Engdayehu, Ayalew (Ass. Prof.)G/Michael, Germay2022-05-132023-11-052022-05-132023-11-052001-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/31656The purpose of this research was to examine the Challenges for Quality Management of Primary Education in Ethiopia and forward possible so lutions which can support educational managers, experts, researchers and donor organ izations to unite and focus their efforts toward a clear vision, goals, strategies and series of action programs. This invol ved a survey of three intentionally chosen regions-Addis Ababa, Tigray and Afar-which were meant to represent urban, rural and under-served school characteristics respectively. Availability and purposive sampling techniques were also employed to collect data through questionnaires and interviews from the managers at the center, MOE, Regional Education Bureaus (REBs), selected Wereda Education Offices, and sample school principals, assistant principals, department heads for core subject areas, Teacher Association Representatives and Students Councils. Conceptually, quality management is an evolutionary process that requires radical shift in the basic assumptions, methods and techniques and culture of the schools and the organization at large. It is about a change that takes place on the bases of principle-based values, shared vision, goals, strategies, action plans, implementation, data collection, analysis, feedback and recycling activities through the empowerment of all people in the organization. Practically, the primary education management in Ethiopia was found to be entangled with problems of ineffective leadership, low commitment, managerial incompetence and lack of common term of reference. For a better future, prunary education managers at all levels have to start to change themselves to bring a true systemic transformational change. To this end a critical mass of all those who have a vested interest in primary education must possess the basic assumptions of quality management. This will possibly give them empowerment which in tum helps them to participate meaningfully in the process of developing shared vision, quality goals, strategies and recycling activities. If the training part is skillfully planned and implemented, it could provide us managers and teachers who are themselves, who have an inner light of their own, who are creative and independent, who can understand and solve the educational quality problems in an Ethiopian way. i. e., If the culture of cooperation, history of independence and etc are geared towards a qual ity improvement, it could help much. Since this study is the first of its kind, it cannot go more than touching the most essential considerations of quality management of primary education. Hence, opportunities for further research seem to be there in the areas of establishing quality systems, educational quality control systems, team management, genuine participation, principle-based training and support programs, new structures and functions, and rethinking rules, roles and responsibilities in light of the demands of globalization.enChallenge for Quality ManagementThe Challenge for Quality Management of Primary Education in EthiopiaThesis