Alemayehu, Mulatu (PhD)Alemahu, Addis2019-08-262023-11-082019-08-262023-11-082019-06 aim of this study was to investigate the news coverage of rapid population growth issues/stories in Addis Zemen and Addis Admas Newspapers. In light of the study objectives, the researcher bases on four research questions. Agenda setting and framing were employed as theoretical frameworks of the study. To make a description on the quantity and quality of Rapid Population growth news coverage of the two selected media outlets, a total of 730 from Addis Zemen and 102 from Addis Admas publishes were collected, spanning from 2009 E.C to 2010 E.C. 5,639 news/stories were dealing with various issues in both newspapers. From the total number of 5,639 news stories, 4536 were collected from the daily news of Addis Zemen newspaper and the remaining 1,103 news stories from the weekly news of Addis Admas newspaper. The news editions were selected by using census method to avoid zero chance. Content analysis was made on news editions to gather data with reference to the amount and quality of population growth issues coverage. In addition, in-depth interviews were made with senior editors, reporters and experts from family planning centers and central statics agency to gather qualitative data used to back the results found via the quantitative content analysis method. The study discovered that rapid population growth stories were not given priority in their news agenda of both media outlets. The prevalence of population growth stories in comparison with others stories were found to be insignificant or minor. Both newspapers were found to give more coverage to domestic population growth stories than to those foreign ones. Government officials and Experts/scholars were the dominant source of the news stories of the Addis Zemen and Addis Admas newspaper respectively. The natures of stories were informative. The impact news frame was found to be dominant being applied in most of the population growth stories of the media studied. The economic frame was the second dominant news frame used. But, a difference was observed between the two media in making use of the economic frame. Relevant recommendations have been made for the findings.enJournalismeInvestigating Population Growth Issues Coverage in the Ethiopian Media: In the case of Addis Zemen and Addis Admas newspapersThesis