Abate, Dawit (PhD)Amare, Alemayehu2018-06-292023-11-052018-06-292023-11-052009-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/4994Synencephalastrum sp. (AFC003), the soil fungus, was isolated and investigated for the production of secondary metabolites on sterile moist rice. The sterilized moist rice was inoculated with young blocks of agar (10mm2) of the fungus culture and was harvested just after 28 days. The dried and finely ground moldy rice was extracted with only ethyl acetate. The crude extract was tested in vitro for activity against Candida albicans and inhibition diameter of 16mm was observed. Further purification was held and successive bioassays were conducted. Accordingly, the purified compound was separated with 1:8 solution of hexane: ethyl acetate following the use of several eluents in their increasing polarity. The bioactive fraction detected by TLC had a single band with Rf value of 0.53 when visualized under U.V. (254 and 366nm). The purified active compound also showed an inhibition diameter of 9mm when 10μg/ml was applied and comparison was made with the positive control (ketoconazole, 10μg/ml) and the negative control (hexane, 10μg/ml). A considerable inhibition zone was observed against Candida albicans. MIC determination of the potent compound was also attempted via broth microdilution method. MIC was defined as the lowest concentration of the substance that had no visible turbidity. Hence, MIC break point was ranging from 80μg/ml to 100μg/ml. Taxonomy of the compound producing organism was partially studied in the laboratory and the fungus is preliminarily identified to belong to the genus Synencephalastrum. Further analysis of the purified compound reveals its chemical structure. Key words: Antifungal agents, antifungal Bioassay, Candida albicans, chromatography, MIC, secondary metabolite, Solid state fermentationenAntifungal agentsAntifungal BioassayCandida albicansA Bioactive Compound Effective Against Candida Albicans from Syncephalastrum SpeciesThesis