Bekele, Getachew(PhD)Minwuye, Muluneh2018-07-092023-11-042018-07-092023-11-042014 of the total population of Ethiopia about 85% live in rural areas and the accessibility of electric is estimated to be less than 1%. Lack of electricity in rural area has its own negative effect in human health and economic development. Since the area is dispersely populated and lacks of infrastructure, it is not easy to generate and distribute electrical energy from the main rivers to the people living in rural areas. To solve this problem, the main suggestive solution is implementing stand alone and hybrid power system. Micro hydro power together with solar PV, wind and biomass will enable electricity accessible to the rural areas. In this thesis, the feasibility of microhydro/ wind/solar PV and biomass hybrid power system is studied in the selected rural areas of Ethiopia. The selected villages are located in North west part of the country known as “Kidusyohanes”,”Kundab” and” Debre”. The feasibility has been studied by collecting the necessary data and analyzing with the help of HOMER(Hybrid Optimization modeling for Electric Renewable) software. Data for microhydro power is collected from the field sought and Ethiopian Ministry of Water & Energy (MoWE). Solar and wind data are collected from National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia and other data sources such as NASA and SWERA. For the biomass, the data is collected from Local Agricultural and Rural development office to use the dung for the source of bio energy. The electric load for the community is estimated and scheduled based on the socio economic activity of the people in the area. The peak primary load is found to be 212,237,155kw for kidusyohanes, Kundab and Debre respectively. The peak deferrable (water wheel pump and Irrigation pump) load is 4kw for kidusyohanes and Kundab, and 3.3kw for Debre. For the next 10 years, the load demand will increase to 279.8(23.74%), 307.2(21.8%) and 195.0(17.36%)kw for Kidusyohanes, Kundab and Debre respectively. From the study the combination of Hydro/PV, Hydro/Biomass and PV is found with the least cost energy of $0.246/kwh, $0.218/kwh, $0.285/kwh for kidusyohanes, Kundab & Debre respectively. For Kidusyohaness 34%, Kundab 49.6% and Debre 34.9% excess energy is found from the simulation result. For Debre the simulation result shows that the system is supported with 294KW PV/685 S4KS25P when the diesel is included and 285 kw PV/700 S4KS25P when the diesel is excluded. The COE is $0.285 and $0.279$/kwh for system with & without diesel respectively. Key words:Feasibility, microhydro power, wind, solar, biomass, hybrid, load estimation and scheduling.enFeasibilityMicrohydro powerwindSolarBiomassHybridload estimation and schedulingFeasibility Study of PV/Wind/Micro Micro-Hydro/Biomass Hybrid System for off-grid Electrification of Selected Rural Areas in Ethiopia (Case Study Eastern Gojam Zone, Sinan District)Thesis