Techebele, Erdaw (PhD)Boka, Abdisa(M.S.c)Nesru, Amina2021-01-212023-11-062021-01-212023-11-062020-06; Neonatal intensive care is an important part of the hospital and prone to infection. Patients in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are at high risk for healthcareassociated infections. Nosocomial infections are one of the main causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality in low- and middle-income Countries. Little is known about the actual practice and attitude of health care workers in NICU. Objective: To assess infection prevention practice, attitude and associated factors among NICU health care worker in public hospitals in Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020. Method: -facility -based cross-sectional study design was conducted from April 2020 to June 2020 GC in Addis Ababa among 172 health care workers Sample size was determined by census sampling method. Study participants were selected by using convenience sampling technique from 4 public hospitals in Addis Ababa. Data were collected using pre-tested interviewer administered structured questionnaire and adopted data collection tool used. Data were entered into Epi -data 3.1 and exported to SPSS version 25 for analysis. Bivariate and Multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with infection prevention practices. result presented using odds ratios with their 95% confidence intervals. A p-value less than 0.05 will be used to declare statistical significance association between outcome and independent variable. Result; Out of 172 NICU health care workers more than two third 116 (67.4%) of the study participants were found to have safe practice towards infection prevention activities. the rest 56(32.6%) health workers had unsafe practice toward infection prevention activities. Having isolation room who are admitted with highly contagious diseases, clean working environment, Presence of infection prevention committee, and IPPS training in wards were found to be significantly associated with IP practice. Regarding to their Attitude toward IP practice also 116(67.4%)and56(32.6%) had favorable and unfavorable attitude respectively. Profession type, managing traffic flow, hand washing supply had associated to their favorable attitude. Conclusion; Majority of health care workers’ practice and attitude toward Infection prevention and control measures in four public hospitals in Addis Ababa were good and safe practice of health care workers towards infection control.en-USInfection prevention, Practice, Attitude, Associated factor ;NICU health care worker.Infection prevention practice, attitude and Associated factors among intensive care unit health care workers in public hospitals in Addis Ababa, 2020.Thesis