Kassa, Getachew(PhD)Gebrekristos, Hanna2018-06-192023-11-042018-06-192023-11-042014-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/1761The study dealt with the investigation of the November 2013 deported „female‟ domestic workers from Saudi Arabia in order to explain their experiences during reception, post reception, rehabilitation and reintegration process. Despite the wealth of investigative reports, newspapers and articles, there has not been a concise academic research that addresses this extraordinary event. Yet, this preliminary study has attempted to address this issue by focusing on how the pre and post reception, rehabilitation and reintegration of this mass deportation was processed and conducted by government and non-governmental organizations, community, private stakeholders, social workers and concerned individuals. In order to grasp the stated social crisis, the researcher has employed relevant data throughparticipant interviews, participant observation and interviews with government and Non-government officials. The findings of the study supported the claim that the forced repatriation from Saudi Arabia and repatriates current status has a great deal on the establishment of institutions and of the countries policy on migration, repatriation and deportation. These finding were examined with relevant theories and literatures for a detailed discussion, with their implications for social practice, intervention, future research and practiceenSocial WorkA preliminary qualitative assessment of the mass deportation and reintegration process of female Ethiopian migrant workers from Saudi Arabia: Implication for intervention and Social policy responseThesis