Bekana, Dr.MergaTilahun, Berhanu2021-10-252023-11-082021-10-252023-11-082006-06 cross-sec tio nal Clwlcmio \ogicai study was carried out from October 2005 to March 2006 10 delL'11111l1C tht: S I.;roprc\a1cncc 0 r c ame\ b n1cc llosis in s Ollth cas! 10\\ I and a rcas 1 n JiJ iga lone, Soma li 1\a1l011 '-11 Regional State (SNRS). to characterize the management system. determine the scroprcva\cnce of camel brucellosIs and identify the risk faclOrs that contribute to the OCCU1Tcncc of bmccllosis. A simple ra ndom sampling method was used to seleci 822 camel and 185 he rds (households) 59~ camels <lilt! 133 herds \\cre selected fr0111 JiJigaarea whi le 218 camels and 52 hcn.l3 ,\crL' sclt:ctcu from Babllc area. Serum samples were collected frolll all camels (8.22):; years old or ahO\ c. The blood samp les were screened by RB PT and all RBPT posi ti\ c rcactors \\ere further Icsted by the CFT for confimlatloll. Add itionally. a struc tured 411estionnalrc format was prepared and admll11stercd to hundred of the 185 selected households to collect infonllatlon about <ll11mal allnblltes and f~lfIll attribu tcs. The res ults showcd th at signifi c<llll proportions of the households k cpt camel together \\ ith cattle a nd s hoats (40%) and only \\ ith cattle (320 /0 ). The camel herd \\as dominated by pregnant animal!' (21.8°'0). lac tating animals (21 .1 ° 0) and l11<1turc llon-Iaclalmg <lnllll.ds (19.30 0) The most important diseases affec ting camels III the area as menlloned h~ the household~ \\ere trypanosolllosis (93%). an thrax (801J 0). pnClll1l01113 (70°0). hent neck \59"0). <lb~ce~~ (59"0). cndoparasllcs (5 ~ 0·0 ) and cctoparasites (51°o). Camel managcmen! practlces like herdlllg and watenng. milkmg and dch\'cry and matlllg asslstancc \\cre mainly the responslbtlilies of adult and young males, In thiS study. the o\-crall s\.'ropre\alcnce of brucella <llltJboclies 111 camels was 2. ~ 3'~/0( 95°o C[ 1.6-3.8). Among the p("ltclltJal r IS\.;. fac tors consIdered (se\. a gc. h crd s in a nd parity). none of them had slgl1lficallt effect all lllthnclual al1l111al seroprcvalcncc (p>0.05). The he rd level seroprc\alence \\as 10.3°u (95 0 oCI= 6.7-15.7). Although the herd le\'eI seroprc\'alcnce was higher in JiJlga (12°/0 ) than III Bahik (5.811 ,,). the liJffercnc( \\as not stallstlcally sign ificant The herd !c\c[ seropre\akncc \\as slg1l1licantl~ lllCfeasJIlg \\ IIh the Illcrement of thc herd size (p<O.O \ ). It can concluded thus camel brucellOSIS had 10\\ pre\ alenee III the areas and herd size \\ as the Important nsk factor for the occurrence of the (ilscase at herd Ic\dencamcl. brucellOSIS. scropre\'alence. management. fisk facto r. JiJ lga, BablleCamel Management and Status of Camel Brucellosis in Jijiga Zone South East Low land Areas Somali National Regional State Easern EthiopiaThesis