Kenea, Ambisa (PhD)Orner, Mohammed2020-10-192023-11-102020-10-192023-11-102010-06 purpose of this study was to investigate teachers' perception and commitment to improve the quality of education and their attitude towards the quality improvements reform. The participants of the study were teachers, instructional leaders (vice principals and unit leaders) and students of four government secondary schools of Dessie town. From these schools 74 teachers were selected randomly. Twelve instructional leaders were selected as a sample purposefully due to their position to. Moreover, 4 group interviews of students (1 group from each school) were included. As a 'niethod of data gathering tools questionnaire, interview and group interview were employed. To analyze the collected data, both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. The result of the study revealed that teachers conceptualized quality of education in the conventional way (in terms Qf input, process and output factors). It also revealed that teachers believe that the key to improve the quality of education is in their hands. The study also showed that teachers in the sample schools have low commitment to student learning. Regarding teachers attitude to wards quality improvements reforms, the study disclosed that teachers have generally negative attitude towards most of the reforms. Low salary, lack of incentives, lack of respect from the society and the government, shortage of resources, low student interest to learning and absence good governance were the major factors that affect teachers' commitment. Based on the findings the following recommendations were forwarded: teachers should get incentives; ensure good governance in the school and at the woreda level, and involve teachers in reforms that affect education and their life.enIERThe Perception of Teachers to Quality Education in Secondary Schools of Dessie TownThesis