Jibril Ali, Abdi (Assistant Professor)Endayilalu, Eshetu2020-11-122023-11-082020-11-122023-11-082020-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/23221The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health had been recognized under several international regional and national legal instruments. General comment no. 14 adopted by CESCR had clarified its normative contents. Despite the recognition of the right under several binding instruments, tobacco has become a serious threat to public health which is inextricably linked with the individual right to health. Alike global concerted efforts to tobacco control, Ethiopia has taken legal, policy and, institutional measures to curb the problem. With respect to the practice, the study found that the implementation of tobacco control laws in Ethiopia is ineffective mainly due to interference of the tobacco industry, resource scarcity, the existence of illicit tobacco trade, and shortage of experts among others. Ethiopia’s reporting to treaty bodies and UPR reviews on tobacco control remains limited. The study, finally, provided recommendations on the mechanisms of rectifying the existing tobacco control challenges.enphysical and mental health,legal instruments,Tobacco ControlProtection of the Right to Health: An Assessment of Tobacco Control in EthiopiaThesis