Zewdie, Teka (PhD)Tollera, Edessa2020-10-142023-11-102020-10-142023-11-102007-07http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/12345678/22704The study was conducted in South Nations Nationalities Peoples Regional State Sheka Zone at Masha and Tepi towns in two 2nd cycles primary and two preparatory schools students. The study was conducted in an attempt to find out the (long and short term) psychosocial effect of parental divorce on adolescents (age 13-18 years). A cross-sectional exploratory studies supplemented by focus group discussion were conducted. A sample of 60(30 females and 30 males) completed the pre-tested questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected from focus group discussion and described qualitatively. The study revealed that over all the majority of the respondents 81.14 % and 81.97% respectively were reported they were sUffering from psychological (anxiety and socio-emotional) problems. More specifically, concerning children's manifest anxiety by sex, 77% females and 75.45% male were reported they were experiencing intense anxiety feeling and the comparison by living conditions disclosed that 77% of mother custody and 74.6% father custody children were being experiencing similar problems. With respect to duration of family divorce, most of the respondents of 1-5 years stay of parental separation (80.4%) agreed that they were severely affected by anxiety. Finally, as far as the social adjustment of the subjects concerned, most of the respondents who had longer years of parental divorce were seem better adjusted than any other group with the average of (50.4%) followed by female adolescents with the average / mean of 48.1 %.enIERPsychosocial Effect of Divorce on Adolescents Who Experienced Parental Divorce in Masha and Tepi Town in Sheka ZoneThesis