Marrassini, Paulo(Professor)Demissie, Yosef2018-06-272023-11-182018-06-272023-11-182007-10 thesis concerns the study of the 15th c. Hayq’s manuscript of St. Paul Epistles. The manuscript consists of the 14 Epistles. Among these, the Epistle of Romans is selected. The reason why this manuscript is selected is that it has not been studied and edited and there is no published work or thesis on it. The focus of the study is on the latter corrections and emendations of the ms. The researcher believes that this ms, apart from its antiquity, has very rich value for the study of New Testament Philology; and also, may be used as material for the critical edition of Romans. The method used for the study is a philological analysis along with a comparative method. The two texts, which are taken for comparison are the edition work of Tedros Abraha and the modern published text. All verses of the texts were translated literally and were compared for their similarities and differences with critical observations. Regarding similarities, the entire chapters of Romans of the three texts deal with similar concepts. Concerning their differences, the ms of Hayq has sometimes independent characteristics, which were added by the first copyist. The latter corrections took place by the second copyist on the basis of these new readings. The corrections are made through the whole folios of the ms in different ways; but they have problems with meaning and grammar. The model, which is taken for the corrections, is the printed text or the ms that has similar readings with the printed text. The family and group of the ms are identified in the 14 mss edition of Tedros Abraha. The general assessment of the corrections shows that the new readings appeared with the first copyist and the second copyist recognized that these new readings are different from the common readings, which are accepted by the Church. So, he carried out the corrections, but he spoiled these valuable and precious manuscriptsenPhilosophyThe 15th Century Hayq Tradition of the Pauline Epistles, A Philological AnalysisThesis