Mammo, Dr. TilahunHailu, Tesfaye2021-12-222023-11-092021-12-222023-11-092004-07http:// and geologic sec tions ;'Ire of vi tal irnpor1ancc [0 the vari ous profeSS ional bodies, ins titutio ns and IIlduslrics. They give us an IIl slght on the grounds we a rc lite rally s ta nd lllg Oil. This s tudy has conducted the subsurface Imaging of the c3 r1h \0 a depth of 10 Km on a 98 Kill long seismic pro!ilc lin e. The study was conduc ted starti ng from the foot or the eastern rift margm in to Ihe eas tern pla teau to give us results, which arc a rchetype to the study areaenThe Upper Crust Beneath the Eastern PlateauVelocity Structure of the Upper Crust Beneath the Eastern PlateauThesis