Wubshet Bekalu (PhD)Biruk Temtem2024-03-072024-03-072022-06https://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/2184The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of the Fourth Generation LTE layering project in Addis Ababa through the project phase practices, challenges, and opportunities. Moreover, the study also assessed the strength and weakness of the project in the project life cycle phase practices. Descriptive type of study is applied to address the specific objectives of the study. Quantitative data type is used for the analysis and to reach to a conclusion. Primary data has been collected by sending structured electronically administered questionnaires for respondents. Moreover, Secondary data has been collected from the Ethio Telecom project documents. The total population who participated on the project were 61 and all population was used for the study. The survey tool used was questionnaire with five-point Likert scale. For the analysis of the descriptive data SPSS version 25 was used after the questionnaire with the five-point Likert scale response was coded into the SPSS software. Results from the descriptive analysis shows that except the closing phase practice, the initiation, planning, execution and monitoring and control phase showed satisfactory practice. There was no severe challenge faced during the project deployment but there were some challenges like lack of adequate training, and knowledge sharing for the project staffs, communication gap between project staffs and vendor, bureaucracy in public offices and political instability in the country which hindered the project implementation. From the regression analysis, except the execution and closing phase practices, all practices are found to be significant predictors for the project performance. The overall performance of the project was good with the project completed within the planned schedule, scope, and deliverables. Having large customer base, project team exposure for new technologies which will make them to do mini projects by themselves and hence minimization of cost, Implementing the 4G layering project in Addis Ababa within short period of time were found out to be an opportunity for Ethio Telecom, employees, and customers. The findings of this study are of great importance for future projects in and fill the gap of empirical evidence in the company. The researcher recommends similar studies to be conducted in other projects in Ethio Telecom so that the efficiency of project implementation practices will increase. Key Words:-Project Performance, Project Management, Project Life Cycle, 4G LTE, Ethio Telecomen-USAssessment of Fourth Generation LTE Layering Project Performance in Ethio Telecom: The Case of Sites in Addis AbabaThesis