Kassaye, Dr. MekashaAlmaw Bitew, Yeshambel2020-11-302023-12-052020-11-302023-12-052011-06http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/23743The purpose of this study was to assess the content validity of Grade 9 English language teachermade classroom tests offour government secondary schools at BahirDar. For this purpose, the time allotted for the different content areas of the textbook, one progress and one achievement tests of the four sample schools clnd test formats of the textbook and the sample tests were used as main data sources. To supplement the data that were obtained from the above sources, questionnaires were also administered to Grade 9.English language teachers and their students. The time coverage for the·different content areas of the textbook was allotted byfour experienced English language teachers of Grade 9. Thefrequencies of the contents of the sample test items were analyzed under the main content areas. The test formats of the textbook and sample tests were analyzed by counting frequencies. Questionnaires were also used to assess the teachers' opinions about the representativeness of the classroom tests. To crosscheck teachers'responses, questionnaires were also administered to students. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The time allotted to the content areas of the textbook and the frequencies of the contents of the sample tests, and the frequencies of the test formats of the textbook and the sample tests were analyzed in figures and percentages. Then, the magnitude of the relationship between the time allotment for thecOIitent areas in the text book and the contents of the sample test items, and the formats of the textbook and the formalS of the sample test papers were determined by using the Spearman 's Rank Order Correlation Coefficient. Figures, Percentages and qualitative analyses were also used 10 analyze the data Fom the questionnaire. The findings show that the contents of the sample test items generally mainl,ained moderate (0.48) correlation with the sum of the time allotted to the content areas of the textbook. However, in specific terms, the different content areas in the lextbook like listening, writing and vocabulary were not adequately represented in the sample tests. The formats of the sample test papers and the textbook were also poorly (0.1) correlated. The dominant test formats in the textbook were not considered in the sample tests. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the Grade 9 English language classroom teachermade tesls relatively lack content validity. Then, recommendations were made according /0 the findings.enEnglish language teacher-made classroomAn assessment of the content validity of grade 9 English language teacher-made classroom Tests: (four secondary schools ofbahir dar in focus)Thesis