Adugna, GetachewAbebe, Gashaw2018-08-152023-11-052018-08-152023-11-052007-07 main objective of this study was aiu-zed 11' .il1Ve!itig(ltjllg. (hI! . q,PPQrll1lljtie$ . ci.;ld challenges of teaching and learning in Sidamigna as a medium of instruction in the .firs! C) de primal) schools of idama Zone and Awassa Kifle Ketema Administrative To\\'n. Although a lot of effort has been exerted in promoting Sidamigna as a medium of illstruction in the ZOlle, much remains to be done and other problems to be tackled. Hellce, Ihi paper is specifically aimed al identifying those problems and suggest possible solutions to the problems identified. To achieve this end, a descriptive survey method was employed. The source of the data for the study were students. teachers, principals. parents and education bureau officials. The sampling techniques applied in the study were simple random sampling, purposive and availability sampling (te~hniques) . The illstruments used to collect the data were questionnaires, interviews andfocu group discussions. The data collected were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitativel)'. The data gathered though questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency counts and their percentage " where as the data gathered through intervievv ([ndfoclIs grollp disClIssiolls were analyzed using descriptive statements and/or explanations. The findings of the study indicated that students, teachers prinCipals, education bureall officials and parents were supportive of using Sidamigna as a medium of instruction. In the study it was also found out that textbooks are prepared for the students are in line with their age and ability. The students also confirmed that their learning ill their mother tongue has also helped them to follow their lessons with out difficult)" to actively participate in the classroom and to feel proud and develop confidence in their OMll langllage/ or being used as a medium of instruction. However, the majority of the srlldenls and parents preferred if Amharic and English were used as a medium of instruction, the majority of whom chose English. The findings of the study also reveled that there is deficiency of educational materials. Textbooks are in short supply; supplementary reading materials, references, teachers guides and library facilities are almost absent. Moreover, lack of COllllllitmell! and interest by sOllie teachers to teach in the language, a mismatch benveen Ihe !raining program and the knowledge gained when put in actual practice, shortage of Ihe dllration of the training program for teachers, lack of involvement by parel7/S in school activities were the major problems identified during the study. Based on the findings, supply of the necessary curricula materials, upgrading unqualified teachers, supervising and evaluating the training program at TTl, persuasion of students, parents and the community to ensure participation and suggested. Moreover, further in depth investigation of the problems at all levels in also recommendedenLearning In Mother TongueOpportunities And Challenges of Teaching And Learning In Mother Tongue As A Medium of Instruction: The Case of Sidama LanguageThesis