Haidar, Jemal (PhD)Assefa, Nigussie2018-09-252023-11-052018-09-252023-11-052011-05http://etd.aau.edu.et/handle/123456789/12214Background: The burden of HIV/AIDS is high in Sub-Saharan countries which constitutes two third of the globe and is worst in Ethiopia. As a strategy for prevention, condom use practice among others remains the most effective method against HIV infection. Therefore identifying determinants of consistent condom use in HIV patients who were on ART had paramount importance in the prevention and control of the disease. Objective: To assess the sexual behavior and determinants of condom use in HIV/AIDS patients who are on ART based on theory of planned behavior constructs. Methods: a cross sectional study design was conducted in North Showa Health facilities from March to April 2011. Structured questionnaire was prepared and also adopted from the theory of planned behavior and the data was collected from 337 randomly selected study participants in North Showa ART rendering health facilities. Analysis was done using Cronbach’s alpha reliability test, binary logistic regression, Partial correlation, and linear regressions in order to know the predictors of consistent condom use and or intention to consistent condom use. Results: All the respondents filled the Questionnaires and 56% of the respondents were females with the median age of 32.00+9.66 years. Among the respondents 144(42.70%) of them had multiple partners and 209(62.00%) used condom consistently and casual types of partner for those who had multiple sexual partner was the largest proportion (47.70%). Over half of the respondents (52.30%) had had sex without condom use with partner of Unknown HIV sero-status. All components of the theory, attitude (r=0.31: p<0.001), subjective norm (r=0.39: P<0.001), perceived behavioral control(r= 0.36: P< 0.001) were correlated significantly and positively with intention to consistent condom use. All components were significant predictors of behavioral intentions. Based on multiple linear regression, the standardized regression coefficient was (ßattitude=0.21: P<0.005), (ßsubjective norm= 0.26: P<0.001) and (ßperceived behavioral control =0.28: P< 0.001). In general the theory explained 29.1% of variation of intention to use condom consistently. Conclusion: Significant proportion of risky sexual behaviors observed in HIV patients who are on ART and the theory of planned behavior was applicable in explaining the behavioral intentions of consistent condom use.enSexual BehaviorSexual Behavior and Determinants of Condom Use among HIV/Aids Patients who are on Art in North Shewa Health Facility, 2010/2011Thesis